Dear Parents,
This past Monday was our observance of Indigenous People’s Day—a holiday that celebrates and honors Native American peoples and commemorates their histories and cultures. For me, it is also a reminder to respect ALL cultures and continue to work towards social justice so that all people are treated with kindness, dignity, and compassion. Here at school, as described in our Schoolwide Learning Expectations (SLEs), we guide our students towards social justice in various ways—
to GROW by embracing new experiences with an open heart and open mind;
to ACCOMPLISH by thinking critically;
to LOVE by making choices based on the teachings of Jesus Christ;
to SERVE by living out the corporal and spiritual Works of Mercy;
to UNITE by welcoming people of all backgrounds as St. Peter’s community members.
Together, let us continue our active efforts towards social justice and offer the following prayer:
God, you have given all peoples one common origin.
It is your will that they be gathered together
as one family in yourself.
Fill the hearts of humankind with the fire of your love
and with the desire to ensure justice for all.
By sharing the good things you give us,
may we secure an equality for all our brothers and sisters throughout the world.
May there be an end to division, strife, and war.
May there be a dawning of a truly human society
built on love and peace. We ask this in your name. AMEN.
--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez
Best wishes to Mr. Suarez, who was married at our St. Peter’s chapel last Friday, October 11. Blessings to him and his new wife as they begin their new life together!
Our school Halloween celebration will take place on Thursday, October 31 from 1:00-3:00 PM. We will begin with a costume parade followed by games. Please see the attached flyers for ways that you can volunteer or donate items and the prices of tickets to purchase food and play games. Your help is appreciated!
All teachers are attending an Archdiocese Educator Day for their professional development this Friday. Therefore, there will be no school on Friday, October 18.
St. Peter School’s annual Alumni Memorial Mass is just a few weeks away! Join us for a special mass on Sunday, October 27 at 2:30 PM, which will be followed by a reception in the parish hall. If you are available to help with the set-up or clean-up of the event, please contact the school office.
KINDER - We warmly welcome the Montes family back to St. Peter’s and Matias to our hive! I hope everyone can join me in welcoming them, and may they have all our blessings! It’s a short week so remember to turn in your homework and your blue folder tomorrow. Use the long weekend to practice singing your ABCs and writing your numbers to 5.
1A - This week, we are reading, writing, and discussing the different things that friends do together. We are also focusing on the short o sound in words like 'dog' and 'hop.' In religion, we are learning about how we can praise the Lord. In math, we are continuing our work on addition. In social studies, we are continuing to discuss the importance of rules in different situations.
2A - 2nd Grade is reading the fable “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.” In Math, we are reviewing place value. We will say prayers for loved ones and talk about what God's love means. Reminder: First Communion meeting next Wednesday, 10/23 at 5:45 PM in St. Peter's Church.
3A – We have our first field trip of the school year tomorrow (Thursday, 10/17). Our trip will be to a working farm, animal shelter, and pumpkin patch. We hope to learn a lot about pumpkins, potatoes, lambs, bulls, pigs, goats, donkeys and cows. Because it's a short school week, our Final Spelling Test is also on Thursday.
4A – We have a very short week in 4A! In Religion, we will continue to learn about the Rosary. We will read and write multi-digit numbers using base ten, number names and expanded form in Math. In Reading, we will continue reading My Brother Martin, focusing on the skill of understanding the author's purpose and using our inferencing strategies. In Social Studies, we will have a geography quiz. Please continue to check your child's planner each night and Class Dojo for updates and events.
5A - In math this week, 5th graders will learn how to use vertical number lines when rounding decimals. We'll focus on making inferences in literacy block. Because of the short week, there will be no spelling test. We still have one spot for chaperones left for the 10/21 mural walk field trip! Send me a message on Class Dojo if you're interested in joining us.
6A Religion – This week students will be visited by Paula Pardini for Building Bridges and will begin to prepare for their Ofrenda building project that they will work on during religion class time the week of October 28. Language Arts – Students will take their focus to the short story element of PLOT. We'll look at how an author builds suspense throughout a story, from exposition to resolution. Math – Hello Families,6th graders will be comparing ratios using ratio tables and exploring real world situations to chart the information. Students will also be reviewing how to divide with decimals. Please help child practice their long division with decimals at home. For example, if 6 apples cost $1.50, how much is it per apple? All students must master dividing with decimals to be successful in class. Social Studies – Students are collaborating on Google Docs on outlining skills about Ancient Mesopotamia and the accomplishments of the Mesopotamian civilization. Science – This week scientists will be sharing information with their peers regarding their inspirational Hispanic or Latino(a) person. Each scientist has a three-minute presentation in class.
7A Religion – Students are learning the themes of their retreat that will take place starting on October 28. Language Arts - Students are continuing to read Walk Two Moons. They are discovering many plot twists as they reach the end! Math – Hello families, 7th graders will be creating equations using the constant of proportionality. They will be finding proportional relationships (by dividing) in real world scenarios and make equations showing that relationship. Students will also be reviewing how to divide with decimals. Please help your child practice their long division with decimals at home. For example, if 6 apples cost $1.50, how much is it per apple? All students must master dividing with decimals to be successful in class. Social Studies – Students are working on their “1,001 Arabian Nights Project”—they are choosing to write a creative ending of one of the stories in Arabian Nights or groups are acting out the stories.
8A Religion – Students will continue to explore the importance of Jesus’ call for togetherness among his followers. They will also begin a saint research project. Language Arts - Students continue to read Mockingbird and are completing assignments related to their reading. They will also begin the introduction to the English High School Placement Test (HSPT), beginning with analogies. Math - Students will be learning about what the power to 10, specifically understanding the magnitude of what these powers (both negative and positive), mean. Students will begin to compare and estimate quantities in a single digit times a power of 10. Since it is such short week, there will be no quizzes or exams. 8th grade parents will need to sign their child's math test this Wednesday and have students return it by Thursday. Social Studies – Students are completing a SWOT analysis research (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) of their assigned US Colony region. 8th Grade will also participate in a recording of a lesson on Wednesday October 16 if they have received permission from parents to participate.
Oct. 17 3A Field Trip to Petaluma Pumpkin Farm
Oct. 18 No School—Archdiocese Elementary Educator Day
Oct. 21 5A Field Trip with Precita Eyes
Oct. 22 8:10 AM, School Mass
Oct. 23 5:45 PM, First Communion Parent Meeting in Church
Oct. 24 4A Field Trip to California Academy of Sciences
Oct. 27 2:30 PM, Alumni Memorial Mass