QUE PASA 9/13/2017 (English)

Dear Parents,

This week marked the anniversary of the September 11 attacks, when thousands of people were killed or injured as a result of hate and ignorance.  Many felt fear and anxiety.  Yet in response, people showed compassion, unity, courage, and service as they helped those in need.

In a way, the attacks of 9/11 remind me of our current political climate, and how people may feel fear and anxiety because of the decisions made by our nation’s leaders.  This makes our work at St. Peter’s even more meaningful and important, as we guide children to act in unity with love and knowledge.  We want St. Peter’s School to be a safe place for students to grow and learn, where they can accomplish their goals with open hearts and open minds. 

Together, then, let us pray for peace and pray for our country’s leaders.  We continue to strive to live out St. Peter’s KEYS.

Knowledge feeds GROWTH.

Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.

You are LOVE.


--Mrs. Sandra Jimenez




Please see the attached order form (or obtain a form in the office) to place an order for the gray St. Peter’s Sweats and T-shirt.



The “Dimes from Heaven” collection will help to benefit Student Council events for this year.  Also, part of the proceeds will be donated to help victims of Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma.  The classes in grades K-4 and 5-8 that raise the most money will win an ice cream party!



All students not registered for any after school programs must leave the schoolyard by 3:15 PM on regular dismissal days and 2:30 PM on early dismissal days. Students may not leave the schoolyard and return to the campus after dismissal. At no time will a student be allowed to be on campus unsupervised.  Parents must also leave the campus at this time, unless they have an appointment with a teacher or administration.

All students who participate in any after school activity should register for the BVCC St. Peter’s After School Program.  Financial Assistance is available.  Please see BVCC Directors Sheri Schlicker or Rochelle Celedon if you have any questions about registration.



If you would like your child to receive Baptism, Reconciliation, or First Eucharist, please fill out a form in the office by September 15.



If a parking spot in the school/church parking lot is marked with a YELLOW number or blocked with an orange cone, please do not park in that space.  Those spaces are rented by the church and must be kept open for the parking tenants.

Please do not park in the white zone in front of the Alabama Street gate--this is only a drop-off area—and avoid parking on the sidewalk.  Also, do not block the rectory driveways, since this will prevent our priests from attending to their many important commitments.



The Tuitions Office will send out Tuition statements in both paper form and via email.  Through email, the statement will be an attachment, so please make sure you open the attachment to access the information!  If you have questions, contact the tuitions office at tuition-office@sanpedro.org



A fun way to get involved with St. Peter’s School is through one of our caring Parent Groups!

- Madrinas/Padrinos help in marketing our school and in welcoming new students and families to our school family.

- The Community Builders help plan school events to strengthen our community and raise funds for the school.

- Campus Care helps to maintain the physical well-being and safety of the school.

All these groups can use your help, energy, and expertise!  To join, please contact Mrs. Jimenez at sjimenez@sanpedro.org or leave a message in the office.



Complete the online course on www.shieldthevulnerable.org.  This course is necessary for adults to volunteer with children, including volunteering as a field trip chaperone.  Directions for accessing the course are available on our school website—www.stpeterssf.org—under the August 30 Que Pasa section.  Or pick up a paper copy of the directions from the school office.  Your certificate of completion is good for 3 years.  Submit your certificate of online course completion by Sept. 29 and receive 6 hours of parent participation.




KINDER - This week, we will explore what makes a good citizen. Students will demonstrate that being a good citizen involves taking turns, sharing, taking responsibility, practicing honesty, self-control, and being nice to others. Please discuss with your child the importance of becoming a responsible citizen. Thank you for all your support.


1A - This week in First Grade we will be finishing our review of Kindergarten reading skills. Please help your child prepare for their Smart Start sight word test on Friday. We will be continuing to express how we're feeling using "I Messages" and talking about the importance of respecting the rights and opinions of others.


2A - 2nd Grade will be reading for character, setting and events; continue adding and start subtracting within 20; sharing family photos and histories; talking about heroes; grouping solid objects; practicing our prayers; and we will receive a blessing at mass! Read to your child nightly, sign your child's reading log on Thursday night, and turn it in on Friday. Read to your child, let them read to you, go to the library!


3A - This week 3A is doing STAR Testing for Math.  In Religion we are practicing how to CORRECTLY make the sign of the cross. Parents please practice with your son or daughter as several students are using the wrong hand or not crossing over for the Holy Spirit.  That test will be given individually.


4A - This week 4A will identify and use imperative and exclamatory sentences, write numbers in expanded form from standard form, and identify and use synonyms. 


5A – The 5th grade class is using the story “Mama's Nightingale” this week to continue using context clues to find the meaning of vocabulary words and discuss immigration. We're continuing to review fractions, place value, and units of measurement in math.


6A  Religion - 6th Grade Religion class will be spent preparing for the Building Bridges program with Paula Pardini as she visits our class for the first time on September 14th to work with the class on building a Faith Community.  Language Arts – 6A ELA will continue to work on short story elements by analyzing different types of conflict, such as internal and external. We'll also start developing ideas to write our own short stories that include multiple layers of conflict.  Social Studies - 6th Grade will be studying Mesopotamia as the first well known civilization and they will learn what components are required in order for a group of people to be labeled a civilization.  Science - 6th grade scientists are completing data for our class weather chart and beginning their investigation of the science behind severe weather.


7A/7B  Language Arts - Students are continuing to identify and analyze the types of conflict in a short story. They are transitioning to applying the types on conflict, internal or external, in their very own short story!

Social Studies – 7th Grade Social Studies will continue their study of the region of Arabia, they will act our stories from Arabian Nights, and they will begin to learn about the origins of the Islamic Religion.  Science - Students will be finalizing their models of photosynthesis and cellular respiration and begin their test study.


8A  Religion – 8th Grade is preparing for Paula Pardini to visit and begin her second year with them in the Building Bridges program.  Language Arts - Students are wrapping up their STAR Testing this week. They are in the beginning stages of composing their Personal Narratives based on a challenge they overcame or currently overcoming.  Social Studies - 8th Grade is researching the American colonies in depth and will be sharing their expertise through a brochure project.  Science - Students will continue to learn more about atoms and how the periodic table describes different versions of them for us.




September 5-15     STAR Testing Window

September 11-15   “Dimes from Heaven”  


September 13        8th grade Parent Meeting, 7:30

                              AM or 6:00 PM in the Faculty   

                              Meeting Room

September 20        7th Grade Parent Preview

                              Meeting at 6:00 PM for

                              Caritas Creek Camp

September 22        Mercy Day Mass, 8:30 AM