Dear Parents,
Welcome back to school! Mr. Suarez (Director of School Culture and Community Life), Mrs. Fresnoza (Director of Academics), all the teachers, and I hope that you had a restful summer break.
We warmly welcome all new students and families to our school community. In addition, we have some new faculty and volunteers joining our school family. Our new 5th grade teacher is Ms. Emily Storms. Ms. Sandra Ruiz and Ms. Myranda Empric are our new Mercy Corps volunteers. Finally, we welcome Mr. Jim Sanchez and Ms. Lissette Lopez as our new Athletic Co-Directors.
The school doors open at 7:30 AM. You may drop off your child as early as 7:15 AM at the Alabama St. gate. If you must drop off your child before 7:15 AM, please bring him/her into Church for the 7:00 AM Mass so that they will be supervised at all times.
The Pastor, Father Moises Agudo, has asked us to keep the parking lot on Alabama St. locked during the school day. It will be open from 7:30-8:15 AM and 2:00-3:30 PM for parent use.
The Que Pasa will be sent to you every Wednesday. In addition, it will be posted on the school website, and sent to you via SchoolSpeak. Please take the time to read through the newsletter each week since it does contain important information.
I look forward to a great school year with everyone in our St. Peter’s School family!
-- Mrs. Sandra Jimenez
Back to School Night is scheduled for Wednesday, August 30. There will be childcare available if necessary. Please see the attached flyer for the schedule for Back-to-School Night.
This year, St. Peter’s is implementing a cultural vision with the acronym KEYS, which is based on our core values of Grow, Accomplish, Love, Serve, and Unite:
Knowledge feeds GROWTH.
Every ACCOMPLISHMENT needs courage.
You are LOVE.
Throughout the year the teachers and students will be focusing on how to live out this vision. Please join us in helping students to live their values in all they say and do.
Cafeteria service will begin on Thursday, August 24th. Please make sure your child brings payment for lunch if he/she will be purchasing their lunch.
Please make sure to read and complete all the forms that were sent home with your child today. The information provided on these forms is very important and due back to the office by Friday, September 1st.
The Buena Vista Child Care (BVCC) After School Program is available to students in grades K-8 beginning on Thursday, August 24th. It begins after dismissal and closes at 6:00 PM. All students must be registered and past-due payments must be paid for students to participate in the program.
All students not registered for and participating in the after school programs must leave the schoolyard by 3:15 PM on regular dismissal days and 2:30 PM on early dismissal days. Students may not leave the schoolyard and return to the campus after dismissal. At no time will a student be allowed to be on campus unsupervised. Parents must also leave the campus at this time, unless they have an appointment with a teacher or administration.
California Law, (California State Law A354) requires that all students entering 7th-12th grades show proof of a Tdap (Whooping Cough) Pertussis booster shot. If you have not already done so, please submit documentation to the school no later than August 28th. The San Francisco Department of Health informs us we cannot offer a grace period for those who do not have a booster. Please contact your child’s health care provider and arrange for the Tdap booster.
August 30 Back-to-School Night, 6:00-8:00 PM
September 1 All school forms due
September 1 Opening School Year Mass, 8:30 AM
September 4 No School – Labor Day Holiday