Dear Parents,
May 1st – 5th is the national celebration of teachers. We want to take a moment to thank all of our amazing teachers at St. Peter’s. We are very blessed to have these committed people teach your children.
All registration payments for 2017-2018 are now past due. The remaining balance was due April 14th. If you paid the deposit your space was only guaranteed up through April 14th. Please come to the office and make your final payment.
May: Serve
I will live by the example of Jesus and the Sisters of Mercy by caring and praying for those in need.
A St. Peter’s student will use prior knowledge to solve problems and continue scaffolding through the acquisition of knowledge.
If your child received Lifetouch pictures please keep the picture sheets you want and send the payment to the school. All other sheets must be returned to the teacher where Lifetouch will pick them up.
The application process for applying for the Archdiocese Family Grant for 2017-2018 is now accepting applications for next school year (August, 2017-May, 2018). Please go on to and select 2017-2018 and be sure you have your 2016 income tax information or 2016 income information (calworks, social security, food stamps, etc.)
In our efforts to get all students to school on time, we will continue to give rewards for the children that are not late to school. If your child has no tardies during the month of April, he/she can have a free dress on May 9th.
The application for the 2017-2018 school year is available for new students. Please encourage friends, family, and co-workers to stop by the school for a tour and to pick up an application. Student Shadow Days: Students in Grades 1-7 can spend a day at St. Peter’s to meet teachers and students. Any day of the week is available, Monday-Friday. Call the office at (415) 647-8662 to arrange a shadow date. If you have a new Kindergartener or know someone who is interested, please call the office to register for the next Morning in Kindergarten.
Rolando Dusuau 2nd
Kalven Navarrete 6B
Leandro Rojas 8B
In 2nd – Second grade will continue practicing for Holy Communion, continue looking at 2-and 3-dimensional shapes, learn more about proper nouns and adverbs, and learn about even more inspirational people. Looking forward to seeing everyone at First Communion this Saturday, 5/6 at 9:30 a.m. Students meet in the lower Parish Hall at 9 a.m. You may arrive at 8:30 a.m. to take pictures in the church.
Sixth Grade Social Studies is researching the Ancient Greek Gods to get a better understanding of how the Ancient Greeks used mythology to understand their world. 7th Grade Social Studies is studying the four Early American civilizations (Olmec, Maya, Inca, Aztec), their contributions, and the reasons that their civilizations crumbled. 8th Grade Social Studies is beginning to study the causes to the American Civil War so that they can have a better understanding of why America's bloodiest war started. 6th Grade religion is answering the question: How does God ask you to participate in your communities and Church? By reading the story of Samuel in their Religion textbook.
ELA 7A: We are midway through our second novel, Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech, and we are making great predictions about the mysteries that need to be solved: What happened to Sal's mother? Who has been leaving the strange messages and what do they mean? Students have also begun a research project that requires them to plan their own cross-country road trip, much like the one Sal takes with her grandparents. 6B ELA: Students are working very well in their literature circles, as they learn to take on different roles in their groups, such as Discussion Leader and Bridge Builder. The four different novels students are reading are: Hatchet, The Witch of Blackbird Bond, The Alchemist, and Bud, Not Buddy. 8th Grade Religion: We have begun our final unit about the revolutionary ecumenical council, Vatican II. We are looking at how the Church was before Vatican Council II and the changes that developed afterwards.
May 6th First Communion 9:30 AM – Church
May 9th 4th to Academy of Sciences
May 10th Student Council Elections